We recently picked up this phrase from a customer when we presented our range of solutions for ergonomic home office equipment. No one has ever understood it so quickly and got to the heart of the matter before!
For everyone else (who may not yet be so sure...), we have recently added a budget calculator to our website. Among other things, we have fed it with the latest findings from our statistics department.
What costs should I expect as an employer if I want to equip employees working from home with furniture?
You can obtain an initial cost estimate for equipping employees with home office furniture using our calculator at https://xoros-home.de/kalkulator.
The essential considerations for our calculator:
- Assume a realistic utilisation rate in the company. If you offer home office furniture as an employee benefit (voluntary equipment), a utilisation rate of 20%-30% of employees is realistic. Usage rates of over 75% are generally only achieved in areas that fall under teleworking or alternating teleworking under labour law (mandatory equipment), or for employees who mostly work remotely.
- Assume realistic shopping baskets and not necessarily full equipment - our calculator does this automatically. In many home offices, partial equipment (usually purchased privately) is already available. The employer then only purchases what is still missing. This saves costs and, in our view, is also a key argument against so-called "home office bundles", which run counter to this flexibility.
- We offer companies a large selection of furniture of different quality and price levels. From our complete range, you can easily create a customised corporate shop for your own employees. In the calculator, we take this variety into account in a very simplified way with two different quality levels.
>> Click here for our calculator: https://xoros-home.de/kalkulator.